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Dream bigger you know how The only limit is your beliefs
What are you dreaming about? Do you pursue the dreams offered by society?
Do you DARE to dream? Does your dream feel expanding - joyful - creative?
The dream that is waiting to unfold in your life The dream that is part of your Divine Purpose
That dream goes beyond your current imagination
Your imagination is limited by your beliefs and your culture
What if you don't need to hustle to achieve your dream? What if there already IS a much bigger plan for your life? Are you ready to step into something much bigger?
Your dream is the script and the book for your entire life You have many chapters - many areas in your life's dream Your life is a "Total work of art" - take good care of ALL aspects
You are the dreamer and the dream You are the artist and the artwork
Dream bigger you know how
Free yourself from the many boxes confining you Step into your God-given Potential Make Joyful Change your Reality
You can reach Anna via email