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How to get into the FLOW


Why is FLOW so important


You are in the present moment

focused on a single task


Your perception of time changes


Time seems to expand or contract

- Time flies like in flight

- All the time you need is at your hands



In a state of FLOW you expand - you are joyful


Being in a state of FLOW makes you great



How to get into the FLOW?

Let go of your need to control and allow


Synchronicity is another word for FLOW

Things align miraculously



FLOW is a state of relaxed centeredness


FLOW is letting go of your need to control


FLOW is allowing for the larger picture to unfold


FLOW is a joyful ride along the stream of life


FLOW is Doing in a state of Being



In our busy world we have forgotten to simply BE


Slow down and realign to your own pace


When you balance Doing and Being you return into your FLOW


It takes some time and is very fulfilling



Free yourself from the many boxes confining you

Step into your God-given Potential

Make Joyful Change your Reality



Flow in pictures





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