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Nothing is as perfect as imperfection

There is no such thing as perfect



Why is there such an emphasis on perfection?

There is no such thing as perfect in nature


Everything has its blueprint


Within this blueprint is a range of varieties

that unfold according to the circumstances


What happens when you strive to be perfect?


Is this really you?  Is this true unto yourself?


Does it feel confining?

Is this one of the many boxes confining you?


- When you are perfect, nobody will criticize you


- When you are perfect, everybody will praise you





Being perfect can be a trap - it's a dead end

No more change and evolution possible

What is the solution?


Perfection is a fictitious ideal

It's a carrot we are conditioned to run for


Dare to be who you are


Dare to be true unto yourself


Being authentic, standing in your truth

not only empowers you


That's where you have the most impact

on your own life and in this world


Nothing is as perfect as imperfection



Free yourself from the many boxes confining you

Step into your God-given Potential

Make Joyful Change your Reality





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