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I am standing in my truth



Do you know

what's the main missing element in this world?


Is it love?  -  Is it peace?


No, it's truth

The truth shall set you free


With a close look at this world you will realize

the vastness of non-truth surrounding you


It became more obvious since 2020


Non-truth causes dis-ease in

many aspects of your life


Non-truth leads to depression and feeling confined



What do you think is the frequency

your energy field is reaching out the farthest

and broadcasting the strongest


It's authenticity!


Being authentic - standing in your truth

not only empowers you


That's where you have the most impact

on your own life and in this world


Authenticity is the antidote and the remedy

to depressing and confining non-truth


Your energy reaches far out

You feel expanded, relaxed and joyful


Are you standing in your truth?

Would you like to stand tall in your truth?


Are you ready to change your old way of being?



Free yourself from the many boxes confining you

Step into your God-given Potential

Make Joyful Change your Reality





 You can reach Anna via email

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