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Nothing can stop me now

What is stopping you?


What makes you
playing small - low level - hiding your light?

How is playing small serving you?


This picture of the duck taking off was perceived by some as the perfect depiction for the words



Others criticized the picture was blurry allover

The camera is limited in it's ways to depict what is in the moment

This camera was on auto focus

This camera did not know what's more important

- the background

- the duck moving fast - too fast for it's settings


What do you focus on at any given moment?

What do you see and hear and how do you act or react?

What determines your perception and actions?


You don't see with your eyes

You don't hear with your ears

You see and hear with the beliefs in your mind



Your beliefs are powerful and can stop you

Take inventory to check what is stopping you

Become unstoppable



Free yourself from the many boxes confining you

Step into your God-given Potential

Make Joyful Change your Reality





 You can reach Anna via email

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